John Lodder: How aligned are managers with their employees to be able to cooperate as teams?

In my August column I present a few actual and shocking numbers about markets, organization culture and demotivated employees and managers.
I offer very practical insights and tips from Prof. Dr. Kets de Vries and Dr. Frank Sonnenberg that could directly help you as a manager, your people and you with your teams to co-create a better company culture as basis for better business results. I close with Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva who says the global need to reinvent your business strategy at least every 2-3 years and she invites you and your team with an offer you should not refuse.
Shocking numbers about markets, organizational culture and demotivated employees and managers.
Figure 1 shows the risks that 82% of global CEO’s and Managers expect in the next 2 years with potential catastrophic outcomes.
Figure 2 shows that 23% of global employees are thriving and motivated in their jobs: meaning that 77% are not motivated!
59% of employees are ‘quite quitting’, meaning they work their 8 hours a day and refuse to do anything extra, while 18% are ‘loud quitting’ meaning they are directly harming the company.
Figure 3 shows that the average employee experienced 10 company change projects in 2022. (Up from 2 in 2016)
Only 43% of employees are willing to support company change projects in 2022. (Down from 74% in 2016)
And, on top, we know that according to the BCG-group 75% of all change projects fail.
Figure 4 shows that women are 41% more often experiencing a toxic workplace environment than men meaning that something is extremely wrong in company cultures. (Of course only if you belief this is inappropriate behavior)
In a recent article in Fast Company, Michelle Gibbings, a workplace expert and award-winning author, explained that leadership ought to be a journey of constant learning and adapting. "The best leaders know they are fallible and there is always more to learn about themselves, others, and their working context. They continually strive to elevate their awareness, adjust and adapt," she wrote. There are warning signs, red flags, that indicate your leadership may be failing. Gibbings lists five and suggests ways to improve upon them:
- Striving for popularity over effectiveness: By shying away from difficult conversations, you let yourself and your team down. Part of being a leader is the ability to take a stand on things that matter.
- Ignoring bad behaviour: Research shows that when a person is considered a top performer, they are much more likely to have bullying behaviour overlooked by their manager. As a leader you must keep your eyes open to what's happening in your team.
- Power has gone to your head: Pay attention to how your power is impacting the way you feel, think, and behave. For example, believing your needs outweigh the team's or not acknowledging your team's efforts.
- Unwillingness to change: Effective leaders know they don’t have all the answers. They constantly seek to push the boundaries, question, inquire and learn more.
- Being the last to hear bad news: If your team doesn't dare to bring you the good with the bad, something's not working. Your reaction to both positive and negative developments sets the bar for the team.
If you’re a leader and you’re experiencing any of these warning signs, it’s important to take action and address them before it’s too late.
In todays’ disruptive VUCA world we need to be smarter and reinvent faster than ever before
VUCA describes our global business world and markets with the terms Volatile, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Life cycles of companies are becoming shorter and shorter, thus strategies and business plans need to be reinvented more often.
If organizations want to remain relevant in their future, they must have a culture that is characterized by continuous development, human development and an open culture of learning. A culture in which engaged and pro-active employees take initiatives on new challenges with enthusiasm, who are learning from feedback and teamwork, who see the success of others as inspiration, who persevere in the face of adversity and consider 'making an effort' as the path to mastery. This is a manager’s task and duty to establish that in order to run a successful company. Then managers become people managers, who communicate open and constructive, who show their vulnerabilities and exchange openly about them, also saying that they cannot know everything anymore. They become leaders who involve their people in strategic and decision-making processes to co-create a thriving company.
Managers are the authors of their own misery
‘’Senior managers often do not realize that their behavior leads to a lack of initiative in employees, with all the negative consequences that entails; control and transgressive behavior is a dysfunctional leadership style.’’ says Manfred Kets de Vries. (MT-Sprout by Franka Rolvink Couzie).
Anyone who speaks to senior managers regularly gets the same question: ‘How do we ensure that employees show initiative that they get moving?’ A question asked out of frustration.
Manfred Kets de Vries, professor of leadership development has a clear answer: ‘’About 80 percent of employees feel disengaged. Make sure you create an organization where people do feel involved, where they feel alive!’’
Leaders should reflect
He has trained thousands of leaders. In large part through his CEO Recycling Program and other programs at the international business school INSEAD. Time and time again he noticed that leaders are not reflective.
He let CEO’s look at themselves from the perspective of psychoanalysis, by showing them that they react from an old reflex, their upbringing or their fears; they gain insight into their shortcomings with major consequences for their leadership styles.
Like when a manager has the need to keep control in his organization.
As a CEO told me:’’ I have no life. I work all the time to prevent things from going wrong.’’ Kets replied ‘’you are the CEO, you have all the power in the world and you have no life? You do that to yourself! You are the author of your own misery. There are so many things you can do to really have a good life.’’
Kets de Vries likes to be empathetic and helpful, but does not allow himself to be guided by the pain of his clients. Not so with this CEO: ‘’He is a control freak and does not delegate. Employees are not stupid! They know they'll be punished if they do something wrong, so they constantly check with the boss first.
What he should do when they come to him to make a decision is to say: find a solution yourself. He does not do that. He creates dependency and then complains that no initiative is taken.’’
Leaders rarely ask for help
Control, it's a recurring problem with leaders. In the beginning it works, it brings them success, but as the organizations get bigger, the leaders get bogged down. Then they can't possibly check everything anymore but they still try.
Kets de Vries advises them to only do what is important and what they enjoy themselves, to do what gives them energy. “The rest should be left to someone else,” he says. "Otherwise there is only an illusion of control."
In addition senior managers who get stuck rarely ask for help, says Kets de Vries: ‘’I recently had a number of people in my seminar with this problem. Why they don't ask for help, I don't know exactly. Pride, ego and shame of not being good enough often plays a role. They apparently fear that asking for help will make them vulnerable. Some people think they should be independent. Of course, you can find reasons for that behavior in their personal history. If you were not sure as a child whether your parents were there for you, there is often the fear of rejection.’’
Fascination with autocratic leaders
Kets de Vries is always looking for a logic explanation for the behavior of leaders, even if this behavior is irrational. He is fascinated by the behavior of autocratic leaders like Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro and Xi Jinping, leaders who need to be obsessively in control. The leadership coach researches their origins and writes articles about them.
"It seems that when you get into a certain situation, you start to behave strangely," says Kets de Vries.
"That's universal. If these kinds of leaders make a mistake, like Putin in Ukraine and Xi in his country with the pandemic, then they are stuck, feel imprisoned. Then they can't admit their mistake without losing face. So they do the craziest things to stay in power.”
Living in an echo chamber
This works the same way with leaders in organizations. They often start off well, but as soon as they gain more power, they get too excited, according to Kets de Vries. He points to the directors of a Dutch bank who had a separate elevator, far from the employees. That elevator went to a shielded floor with a private restaurant. “If you came up there, you came to the heroes,” he says in a raised voice.
‘CEO of the year elections’ also provoke excessive behavior. "They are the beginning of the end. They write about you, you put your name on the building, you buy a sports club or Twitter, and you get a younger husband or wife. All those things add up. You become more and more full of yourself and start to believe that you are amazing. You live in an echo chamber. Just look at Trump. An incredible example of a person addicted to applause.”
This also happened to the presenter of the successful Dutch TV program (DWDD) Matthijs van Nieuwkerk. Under the guise of 'we are playing Champions League' he forced a soundman to kneel after a mistake and say sorry to him. Now Kets de Vries has seen thousands of leaders pass by, 'many have narcissistic behavioral traits'. Yet his mouth falls open upon hearing this incident. “Such a person should really leave the organization immediately. Even if he gets results, that result is an excuse. Such persons are toxic. In the long run, they destroy an organization.”
Important role for women
When asked what bystanders can do about such toxic bosses, Kets de Vries pins his hopes on women. “Educate them,” he says. ‘’They are the carriers of culture. Just look at the monkeys. The closest species to humans is the bonobo. Our DNA is more than 98 percent the same. They make love, not war, because women call the shots. But what do we do? We always talk about the silverback gorilla. We should have more of a bonobo society.”
‘’Educate women! They are the bearers of culture! Just look at the monkeys.” (Manfred Kets de Vries)
In addition to more women in the top, there is also a task for the employees. They should put themselves more in the shoes of the leader, the psychoanalyst believes. “Look at the pressure a boss is under.
We also really like the hierarchy. A gorilla-type organization is very human. For example, when there is panic, our natural response is: Give me direction. And there are always people who say, "I have the answer, follow me." Just like the leader, the employees must therefore also become more reflective. They also need to know why they act the way they do, otherwise they will continue to fall into the same trap.’’
Kets de Vries: 'Einstein is credited with saying: ‘’the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting different results.'’
The Fear of Failure is easily confused with the Fear of Success.
Are you such a promising talent that just doesn't come to fruition? You may be sabotaging yourself.
Kets de Vries provides seven steps to break that cycle.
Steven's career is going well. He even scores a job with a leading financial services company. He records some wins, but then starts making bad decisions. This jeopardizes his success.
Fear of the unknown and negative thought patterns push him into a cycle of self-sabotage and underperforming. Steven exhibits the classic traits of a 'golden larva'.
Are you a Steve?
Are you a promising male/female/X with a bright future ahead? But which ultimately hinders itself from growing and flourishing. Self-sabotaging is like a caterpillar that never fulfills its potential and fails to become a butterfly.
Fear of success
Why are these people stuck? One of the main reasons is an irrational fear of failure. They avoid risks; they will not try anything if there is even a chance that they will fall short. It is a fear that often stems from past failures, from previous experiences of humiliation and shame. These can contribute to a variety of emotional and mental problems, including anxiety, panic attacks and depression.
Fear of failure is easily confused with fear of success. Yet they are separate phenomena! Those who are afraid of success block progress. It is not success that paralyzes them, but rather the consequences of success.
Self-sabotage as self-protection
They worry about the social repercussions of all that visibility. Or they're afraid they can't handle all that attention. Sometimes limiting beliefs come into play, they feel they are not worthy of success. Or they worry about outdoing others, who deserve it just as well or even more.
Childhood experiences can lay the groundwork for these kinds of fears, but they don't disappear when the child becomes an adult. The fear of having to meet impossible requirements and failing to do so persists.
Or vice versa: the fear of being slighted for success, or that the achievements are not even noticed. So they protect themselves by stopping early or engaging in self-defeating behaviors that will derail their success.
Deceiver or perfectionist?
That fear of both failure and success can be accompanied by imposter syndrome.
These people doubt their abilities. They feel they don't actually deserve what they achieve.
Therefore, they tend to downplay their achievements. They attribute them to luck or external factors.
Perfectionism can further fuel that self-doubt and the fear of being exposed as an impostor.
A constant search for external validation can lead to anxiety, depression and even burnout.
This behavior can arise when parenting emphasizes performance and where self-esteem is linked to success.
Peter Pan
Another underlying reason why people self-sabotage is an unwillingness to grow up and take on the responsibilities that come with it. This is also known as Peter Pan syndrome. Those who prefer to live in Neverland avoid the challenges that come with adulthood. These people show little motivation, they are afraid of obligations, and they have no interest in their work. When something goes wrong, they take no responsibility.
They come up with excuses or blame others. As a result, these people endanger their own careers.
Where does this come from? Maybe they grew up with parents who let them do whatever they wanted without any consequences. Or they had parents who protected them from the dangers of the outside world in their youth.
Children raised by overindulgent or overprotective parents may never learn to take responsibility as they also never may develop the mindset or skills for a successful transition to adulthood.
Stop sabotaging yourself with these seven steps
Fear of failure, fear of success, imposter syndrome, perfectionism and acting like Peter Pan… They can all contribute to golden grub syndrome. But you can certainly tackle this self-sabotaging behavior with these steps.
1. Acknowledge your dysfunctional behavior
Take the time to understand what might be holding you back. Face your deep-rooted beliefs and take the underlying themes into account. Try to determine the root causes of your self-sabotaging tendencies.
These can often be traced back to events and incidents from your childhood.
Think about the situations that frighten you. Separate the concrete facts from feelings that may not reflect reality. When success makes you uncomfortable, take some time to think about it. This way you can determine whether that self-doubt is unfounded or exaggerated.
2. Reframe your thoughts
See past failures as positive opportunities to grow and learn. This way you learn to look at future challenges in a new way. How you see the world affects your reality. Just as your internal dialogue can influence the way you look at yourself. With positive self-affirmation you can turn negative thoughts into thoughts that will strengthen you and boost your confidence. Change your inner voice; switch on a positive dialogue with yourself. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses; zoom in on the benefits of past failures. Accept that setbacks are not disasters.
3. Visualize all possible outcomes
Visualization can also be a powerful tool for avoiding self-destructive behaviors. Before taking action, pause for a moment. Think about and visualize the possible outcomes. This is how you stimulate yourself to imagine the life you want to have. And what steps you need to take for this. Contemplating worst-case scenarios can be fear-inducing. Therefore, it can be helpful to recognize that the outcome is probably not as bad as you imagine. The American actor and humorist Mark Twain puts it best: "I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened."
4. Unleash that perfectionist in you
Set challenging, but realistic and achievable goals. Accept that mistakes and missed goals are part of life and not catastrophic events. If you don't live up to your own standards, try to be nice to yourself. Harness the power of positive self-talk. Adjust your standards for success and focus on progress, not perfection.
5. Train yourself in courage
Practice saying: “yes!” to new opportunities. This way you make yourself less sensitive to your fears.
Compare it to exposure therapy for dealing with phobias. List the ways you could be sabotaging your success.
This way you better understand where you limit yourself. Stop fearing the opportunities that can advance your career. Recognize that being brave and taking risks are crucial to achieving great things.
6. Celebrate your successes
Reflect on your past performance. Recognize your contribution to your own successes and reward yourself for this each time. Keep a journal of your achievements, professionally and personally. This way you can better monitor your internal dialogue and any negative self-talk. Prioritize compassion for yourself over criticism and doubt. Celebrate your victories and forgive yourself for any mistakes.
7. Don't suffer in silence
Getting to know and discover yourself better is the key to understanding what's holding you back.
But sometimes it is worth seeking the help of confidants or professionals. A coach or psychotherapist can help you repair the damage of self-sabotage and embrace the prospect of success. In addition, discussing your fears with the people in your life can help you understand how they experience these kinds of challenges.
If you notice that some people are feeding your fears, talk to them. If they refuse to see how their actions are harming you, get out of the way.
Feasible case
Breaking the self-sabotage cycle is a difficult but achievable task. It starts with accepting that living means trying to be the best version of you, yourself. However, the journey to self-realization also involves looking beyond your immediate concerns. Focus on something bigger than yourself. Volunteering for a good cause, getting involved in community work, or simply helping a friend in need can help you find that sense of purpose and fulfillment that transcends personal accomplishments.
Ideas and suggestions to transform yourself and your people from Good to Better to Best
With Frank Sonnenberg’s permission I take some intriguing passages from his latest blogs that might inspire you and might also help you to exchange and talk about with your team. This post is based on an interview by Rodger Dean Duncan, Forbes Columnist, with Frank Sonnenberg which first appeared in the June 29, 2023 issue of Forbes. Frank Sonnenberg is the author of ten books and has been named one of America’s top thought leaders. Frank’s latest book is Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others.
His blog, FrankSonnenbergOnline, reaches more than five million subscribers every week.
Sonnenberg’s focus is on moral character, personal values and personal accountability. His approach is addressing issues that make the biggest difference in relationships and personal performance.
Managers, Leaders, Parents and – yes – also You, send messages continuously, even if you don’t intend to.
‘’And those messages are having a profound impact on people’s lives. It’s not just what you say, but what you do; when you speak up or when you turn a blind eye; when you’re friendly or when you give folks the cold shoulder; when you hold steadfast to your values or when you give in to temptation.” Frank Sonnenberg says.
He suggests for instance to ask yourself questions like:
- What does my attitude say about me?
- Am I proud of what I do and who I am?
- Would I be proud if my kids followed my example?
- Would I want to be friends with myself?
“If you’re a parent, teacher, coach, religious leader, neighbor, or manager, you’re influencing people every day,” Frank says. “If behavior is contagious, is yours worth catching?” So, how do expectations influence, and determine, a person’s destiny? Frank says: “When people expect a particular outcome, they look for evidence to support their view. In essence, if you believe the world is your oyster, you’ll pursue it with vigor. Conversely, if you think nobody like you stands a chance, you’ll quit before you even start. This can have a powerful effect on behavior and ultimately, on results.” He offers a few examples:
- If you believe people are trustworthy, you’re going to manage relationships differently than if you think everyone’s out to get you.
- If you believe hard work pays off, you’re going to view tough days differently than if you believe your company’s trying to take unfair advantage of you.
- If you believe life has its ups and downs, you’re going to view bad days differently than if you think you’re the only one with problems.
In short, your expectations don’t just influence your destiny, they determine it!!
By definition, a choice is an either- or decision. Every time you choose one direction, you’re also choosing not to take an alternate path. The key thus is to choose wisely. Your destiny depends on it.
So, what are some of the important choices that most people face nearly every day? Do you:
- Do what’s right or make exceptions when it’s convenient?
- Invest in your future or refuse to make the sacrifices?
- Address challenges head-on or kick the can down the road?
- Create win-win situations or aim for winner-take-all?
- Address your poor habits or make excuses for your shortcomings?
- Confront your fears or surrender to them?
- Put others’ needs ahead of your own or make everything all about you?
- Feel happy when others succeed or resent them for their achievements?
- Accept responsibility for your life or constantly rely on the good graces of others?
Choices are easy, Sonnenberg says. The hard part is living with them.
For many people, goal setting and goal achievement are among the most frequent and stressful subjects of concern. Some folks are so afraid of failing that they don’t try and forfeit the opportunity as a result, others refuse to put their heart into things, due to fear of disappointment.
Additionally, some people fail to make the hard choices. If everything’s a priority, then nothing’s a priority.
As a result, important things don’t get the attention they deserve.
He says the main reason people fall short of their goals is their unwillingness to accept personal responsibility for their behavior. “They want to get ahead, but refuse to make the investment; they want to achieve their goals but are unwilling to make the sacrifice. They want the good things in life but are unwilling to work for them. In other words, others can stop you for a moment. Only you can stop yourself for good.”
Many people struggle with time management, or perhaps we should say attention management. Sonnenberg has some insights on prioritizing things that really matter.
Everyone has the same amount of time each day, what you do with that time is your choice and your choice alone. When most people are faced with that quandary, they cram more stuff into their day by moving faster, getting less sleep, or working longer hours. That’s hardly the answer to your problem.
The solution lies in the following three principles:
- Make your priorities a priority. Checking items off a to-do list doesn’t determine progress; focusing on your priorities is what counts.
- Subtracting from your list of priorities is as important as adding to it.
- Saying “no” to one thing allows you to say “yes” to another.
The key is that every time you do something, you’ve chosen to forgo something else. So, the next time you say “I don’t have the time,” what you’re really saying is: “I won’t make the time.”
Much has been said and written in recent years about self-awareness and self-accountability. What role do they play in a person’s success?
Sonnenberg answers that question by asking some of his own: “What describes your way of thinking?”
Are you more likely to say, “Why them and not me?” or “If they can do it, so can I?” Your answer to that question will either motivate you to reach new heights or discourage you from even trying. When you believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to, your faith will give you strength, hope, and confidence, you’ll have confidence in your ability and remain steadfast and determined until you reach your final goal.
Conversely, when you believe that others hold an unfair advantage and that the cards are stacked against you, this belief will discourage you from making the effort.
Instead of taking the bull by the horns and accepting responsibility for your destiny, you’ll fail to make the personal sacrifice, put in the hard work, and make the commitment required to succeed. If you believe you can’t, you won’t.
Many people in leadership positions struggle with the age-old compliance versus commitment conundrum. Sonnenberg has an interesting take on that.
Some folks assume that being an authoritarian, tyrant, bully, control freak (use any label you want) won’t come back to haunt them one day, that may ring true if being obedient is the same as being committed. But is it?
If you want obedience, get a dog. Control is an illusion. Real power isn’t the result of controlling people.
It’s created by empowering folks and forging commitment, leading by example, and providing meaning and purpose. By its very nature, there’s no need to force people into compliance.
If you play your cards right, they’ll manage themselves. When people follow orders, they go through the motions.
But when they have a vested interest in the outcome, they follow their heart.”
To say that today’s economic and social environments are in turmoil would be an understatement.
For people who want to be indispensable in the workplace, Sonnenberg has some simple counsel.
When you have superior knowledge, experience, and skills, coupled with strong moral character, you won’t have to rely on the whims of an organization, and you’ll be a tremendous asset anywhere you work.
Plus, you won’t have to spend time promoting yourself because your reputation will do the selling for you.
Frank offers these questions as guidelines for personal and team development:
- Do you make time to exercise your mind?
- Have you set goals, or is learning haphazard?
- Do you depend on others to spoon-feed you, or do you shoulder the responsibility?
- Do you view negative feedback as criticism or a gift?
- Do you limit the scope of your learning or address your knowledge, skills, experience, mindset, and moral character?
- Do you focus exclusively on things that help you today or that will benefit you tomorrow as well?
In todays’ disruptive VUCA world we need to be smarter and reinvent faster than ever before
If organizations and people want to stay relevant in their future, they must have a culture that is characterized by continuous human development. Dr. Nadya Zhexembajeva is an international consultant and founder of the Reinvention Academy with by now ca. 800,000 members globally. Her latest research shows that the average company has to reinvent its strategy every 3 years.
A few examples of companies that were in time and a few that were too late as explained by Nadya
‘’I love a good reinvention story and here I share three inspiring examples of businesses that have successfully reinvented themselves to stay relevant in a rapidly changing world.
As someone who has dedicated her career to helping organizations navigate and thrive in times of uncertainty, I believe these stories offer valuable lessons for all of us.’’
IBM was once known primarily for its mainframe computers, but as the industry shifted towards personal computers and later mobile devices, the company had to reinvent itself. Under the leadership of CEO Ginni Rometty, IBM pivoted towards cloud computing, data analytics, and artificial intelligence. By 2020 with a new Chairman and CEO Arvind Krishna, these strategic initiatives made up more than 50% of the company's revenue, with hybrid cloud revenue alone now comprising more than a third of the overall revenue and growing 14% year on year in 2022.
This shift has helped IBM remain a major player in the tech industry, with annual revenue of over $60 billion.
Lego was in trouble in the early 2000’s. The company had expanded rapidly, diversifying into a variety of different products and licensing deals. But sales had plateaued, and the company was heavily in debt.
To turn things around, Lego CEO Jørgen Vig Knudstorp implemented a new strategy focused on simplifying the company's offerings, improving quality, and engaging with customers in new product development through its Lego Ideas platform. The result? Lego's revenue increased by more than 50% in just four years, and the company is now one of the world's most valuable toy brands.
Burberry is a classic British luxury brand known for its iconic trench coats and signature plaid pattern. But in the early 2000s, the brand had lost some of its luster and was associated with "chav" culture in the UK.
To reinvent itself, Burberry brought in a new CEO, Angela Ahrendts, who led a series of initiatives to revamp the brand's image and appeal to a younger, more global audience. This included using social media to create buzz around its fashion shows and collaborating with popular designers like Christopher Bailey.
The result? Burberry's revenue nearly tripled in the decade following these changes. Today's leadership with the new Burberry CEO Jonathan Akeroyd is making another pivot: away from the coats with the focus on growing accessories to more than 50 per cent of sale.
These are just a few examples showing that established and well-known brands can reinvent themselves and stay competitive in today's rapidly changing business environment.
Of course there are also well known brands that were too late in reinventing themselves like Nokia, Blackberry, Kodak, ToysRus, Blockbuster and Sears that all went bankrupt.
What 3 things do you need to know about who’s watching you?
Leaders are left with shorter timeframes to make decisions about their collaborations and relationship building.
Traditional paths no longer exist.
- You are being measured by what you put out there and how succinctly you get to the point.
- You are being measured by the sum of the people with whom you convene.
- You are being measured by where your attention goes.
The leaders at the forefront of getting big things done are focused, optimistic and intentional with their attention.
These leaders are on the lookout for what they want to explore and heighten and the people with whom they will discover and build. What do you need to do to make sure they see you?
How to Ignite Your Devotion Factor?
You’ll learn what’s in your way and the simple fix to ensure you’ll be seen by those who want to know you’re out there. Nothing is going to slow down ever again. We need to measure our output and reinvent our process.
The leader of today needs new tools to tap their wisdom and experience and share it with speed and confidence.
Whenever I get bad news, my body gets into immediate defensive mode.
Maybe it's a market report, a client disruption, the effects of Covid-19, or any other kind of information from the external environment. But here's the thing...
- Facts are not here to get us
- Facts are here for us, not against us
- Facts are friendly
They are not a punishment from the world or some sort of conspiracy of the competitors.
This is one of the most important pieces of advice I've ever gotten in my life.
What are facts trying to tell us?
Ever wonder why entire industries have crumbled in this pandemic? The answer is simple.
They keep hoping the same old tricks will bring them different results while ignoring all the signs.
When sales and profits are down, we can't expect things to just magically change!
We have to reinvent our methods. But don't worry, you're not doomed. My team and I have helped over 8,244 companies reinvent themselves since March 2020 with a simple 5-day process.
Data do NOT lie
Every 2 years my team and I run a Global Reinvention Survey aimed at understanding the current speed of change - and how we all survive and thrive in the world of constant uncertainty and disruption.
One of the indicators the Survey looks at is the required speed of change. Our latest Global Reinvention Survey research suggests that today on average, organizations need to reinvent every few years - in comparison to most of the 20th century when it was sufficient to reinvent only every 30 to 40 years.
This number, however, varies greatly from industry to industry. But overall, we found out that for 2023, 56% of organizations indicated they had to reinvent every 3 years or less in order to stay successful and thrive in today's world of uncertainty.
Your next question might be "But why do more companies start to slow down?"
And perhaps there is a more serious issue behind this.
The challenge we face isn’t how to survive until things stabilize but rather how to thrive in constant chaos.
That happens only when we accept that change is no longer a project and we build a well-thought-out reinvention system that works.
Now it’s time for you to build such a system.
Our LIVE and FREE Easy Reinvention Lab will take place August 28th - September 1st, 2023 and you don't want to miss it. To register for this lab, click here:
And that's exactly why I invite YOU to join our next cohort of the Easy Reinvention Lab, starting August 28th, 2023
The Lab goes live at 12 noon US Eastern time for 1 hour a day, just 5 days, and it can:
- Help you get the tools you can use with yourself, with your organization or team, or with your coaching and consulting clients
- Allow you to practice building new skills in the safe environment of our global community of reinventors
- Offers you 5 reinvention tools you can bring into practice with your team immediately
- Deliver immediate results with reinvented products, processes, and habits
Since 2020, our Easy Reinvention Labs have helped 8244 do just that.
Now it's YOUR chance. What are you waiting for?
Register today at:
John Lodder M.A., MSc.