In my September column I explain why ‘Disruption’ is the ‘New Normal’ for people and organizations.

In my August column I present a few actual and shocking numbers about markets, organization culture and demotivated employees and managers.

My June column is based on the latest Gallup report about ‘The State of the Global Workforce 2023’ of which the results are very shocking for me.

My May column is about the disruptions in the markets and shortening the lifecycles of organizations; I mainly focus on Change / Transformation processes: why do 75% of Change Projects fail resp. not reach their goal(s) and here I see a shocking conclusion from recent research.

In my April column I try to solve one of the biggest leadership issues: “dare to say I don’t know.” Why do many companies fail to adapt a ‘Change mindset’ and 7 disciplines for Sustainable Change as an answer.

In my March column I provide a summary of the recent 26th Global CEO survey by Price Waterhouse Coopers focused on results of the CEE region and compared with global results. I provide links to the full Global CEO Survey and the CEE CEO survey.

My February column is a red thread: From recent Gallup research about Employee (dis)engagement and Organization Culture, via ‘Shared Ownership’ to Four Paradigm Shifts leading to Authentic Leadership and ending with Conscious Quitting.

My January column has thoughts about Leadership by Manfred Kets de Vries and some lessons of this month’s ‘World Economic Forum’ in Davos.

My December column starts, following my heart, about missing wellbeing and peace in a toxic society and in toxic organizations. Politicians created a distance with their citizens; they caused a large loss of motivation and interest, and created fear and unhappiness in their countries.

The role of CEO’s and managers has fundamentally changed over time, and so has the nature of dilemmas they are facing. In 19th century thinking, a person was seen as either muscle or energy and management decided what their re-active employees should do.

We are living in times that the World Economic Forum calls the 4th Industrial Revolution, many authors write about us living in a VUCA world.

In my September column I dive deeper into results of Gallup's new book: ‘Blind Spot: The Global Rise of Unhappiness and How Leaders Missed It by Jon Clifton and into the Gallup Global Emotions Report 2022 of Septemb

In ‘Leadership First’ I read: ˝It’s quite amazing that people who call themselves “managers” will create an environment of fear to get people to work.

In my July column, my hundredth for Poslovni savjetnik, I write about my main hobbyhorses that are to me crucial for running a successful organization.

81,396 hours! That is how much of our life most of us spend working. *)

The only thing we spend more time doing is sleeping. If we spend so much of life at work, how is life at work going? According to the world’s workers: not well.